H15DA-4D Baso Valve $209.95
A Note on BASO Valves: The number (or number and letter) that appear after the model number (such as H19RA-2C) apply only to how the valve is packaged from the manufacturer. So, an H19RA-1 is the same exact valve as a H19RA-2C. An H15DA-1 is the same valve as a H15DA-4C... it is just packaged differently.
H15DA-4D BASO Safety Valve
100% Shut-off for Low Pressure to 14"wc gas pressureControl shuts off both main & pilot gas. Pilot gas is taken from within the control. Pilot activated by reset button. For all fuel gases. For full specs on Baso Gas Products™ H15 Series Baso Valve, download the pdf on our Technical Downloads page
3/4" H15DA-4D Price: $209.95
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